The world population
Life expectancy : Thailand 80.1 Years
Average number of children per woman : France 1.78


The Human Cause-of Death data series (HCD) now part of the Human Mortality Database (HMD)

The Human Cause-of Death data series (HCD) has just been integrated into the Human Mortality Database (HMD), which provides harmonized mortality data categorized according to a single causes-of-death classification. HCD, a joint project of INED, the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Germany, and the Department of Demographics at the University of California at Berkeley, was launched in 2016 and offers free and open access to time series of cause-specific mortality.

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PAA 2024 Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Population Association of America is a major event for demographers and the scientific discipline of demography. The scope of this gathering extends far beyond research on the United States, and INED researchers have been regular, active participants for many years.

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Quiz-Can you rank countries?

What is the population of Brazil ? What could the population of Nigeria be in 2050 ? By how much does the population in Uruguay grow each year ?


F. Héran MIM day