Is there a universal pattern of mortality decline?

the Monday 05 November 2018 at l’Ined, salle Sauvy de 11h30 à 12h30

Presented by :Marie-Pier Bergeron Boucher (Max-Planck Odense Center on the Biodemography of Aging) ; Discussant : Michel Guillot (Ined)

Similarities in the patterns of mortality changes are often observed across populations. Due to these similarities, an increasing number of studies forecast changes in mortality using common mortality trends for many populations. We here ask, is there a universal pattern of mortality decline across populations? More precisely, we ask which populations share a similar mortality shape over age, shape and pace over time and age-specific sensitivity. To answer these questions, cluster analysis is applied to the Lee-Carter parameters of 20 industrialized countries and for both sexes. Our results suggest sex-specific patterns of mortality decline among 20 countries.

Marie-Pier Bergeron Boucher

Coming from a background in demography, my research interests include the study of human mortality, longevity and ageing, with a particular interest in exploring new demographic methods to help understand and forecast population health and mortality in industrialized societies. Originally from Canada, I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Southern Denmark in 2017 and I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Center on Population Dynamics based at this same institution.