INED’s 2015 Journée Doctorale [Doctoral student research day]

the Tuesday 12 May 2015 at INED, salle Sauvy from 9.30 am

Organizing committee: Morgan Kitzman, Alice Olivier, John Tomkinson and Cécile Ventola

At INED’s Journée Doctorale, 12 May 2015, doctoral students will present their work in progress before discussants of their choice invited by them.

Participating students:

Abida Sabir "Transnational Marriages among Pakistani immigrants in France"
Discussant: Roger Ballard, Centre for Applied South Asian Studies (Stalybridge, England)

Paulina Lopez : "Marcher dans les quartiers périphériques de la ville de Mexico. Entre stratégies et restrictions"  [Walking in peripheral neighbourhoods of Mexico City: finding a path between strategy and restrictions]
Discussant: Aldo Ponce Navarro, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

John Tomkinson " La vie génésique des mères adolescentes : une comparaison franco-britannique"  [The reproductive lives of adolescent mothers: a comparison of France and Britain]
Discussant: Emma Davie, DGAFP

Morgan Kitzmann : "Faire garder ses enfants par ses proches : mobiliser l’aide informelle dans la conciliation des temps sociaux"  [Having one’s children minded by family and friends: mobilizing informal assistance to reconcile life and work]
Discussant: Marie-Clémence Le Pape, Centre Max Weber

Pauline Hervois - "Les infirmités apparentes dans le recensement français : 1851-1876"  [Visible disabilities in the French census, 1851-1876]
Discussant: Jean-Marc Rohrbasser, INED

Hélène Juillard "Estimation de la variance pour l’enquête Elfe"  [Estimating variance in the ELFE survey]
Discussant: Emmanuel Gros, INSEE