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L’éducation par les pairs des jeunes en santé sexuelle : entre apprentissage, échange d’expériences et autonomisation

Collection : Documents de travail

246, 2018, 67 pages

Adolescence represents a crucial period of life for transitions in which concerns emerge, particularly in the area of sexual health. The transition to adulthood marks the entry into sexuality and the emergence of various concerns. Promoting sexual health among young people is therefore essential to avoid or reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with risky sexual behavior, but also to understand sexuality in a holistic and positive way. For this, sexual health education aims to develop knowledge and skills with a view to adopting long-term positive behaviors. Also, moving from knowledge to action requires a process that aims to make the subject actor of its change, that is to say its ability to be autonomous. In this, peer education (EPP) is an educational approach that solicits peers to convey information and to highlight types of behavior and values. It aims to improve social learning and provides undeniable psychosocial support. The sexual health EPP places young people as actors in their own education, promoting their empowerment, for young people and by young people. The main objective of our study is to analyze the concept of PPE, by observing its evolutions and by discussing the tools deployed and perspectives that can give the young person the keys to his autonomization

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