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Construire et analyser les trajectoires en démographie

Collection : Documents de travail

225, 2016, 81 pages

This Working Paper contains contributions of participants in the Day Seminar Co-organized by the Reflection Group on the Biographical Approach, the Mobility, housing and Social Networks unit at INED and the Demography Institute of Strasbourg University (IDUS), UMR 7363 SAGE (Companies, Actors and Government in Europe) which was held in October 2014 at the University of Strasbourg.

Taking advantage of the AIDELF Symposium which was held in Bari in June 2014 and whose theme brought together work on trajectories and life paths, the day seminar was an opportunity to deepen discussions on the specifity of dynamic approaches of individual trajectories. Whether residential trajectories and wider individual biographies recounting spatial mobility but also professional careers or family history, these data have diversified integrating other areas such as health, for example.

To initiate the discussions, four axes structured the debates: What is specific about life courses, the data used, methods of analysis and results retrieval means.

  • Philippe Cordazzo

Eva Lelièvre

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