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Family Beyond Household and Kin

Life Event Histories and Entourage, a French Survey

Collection : Ined Population Studies

2016, 198 pages

Editor : Springer


Presentation of the Biography and entourages survey

A Conceptual Shift from “Household” to “Entourage”: Redefining the Scope of the Family

Between Socially-Instituted Parental Relationships and Elective Ones: A Retrospective Analysis of Parent Figures in France from 1930 to 1965

Memory, Perception of Life, and Family Environment

Presents an innovative approach to the family network that includes the influence of immediate family as well as a much wider circle of relatives and friends.
Brings together a set of studies based on data from the Biographies et Entourage (Life Event Histories and Entourage) survey conducted by the Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques (INED).
Analyzes family and residential trajectories and traces their dynamics across time and space

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