Gender, sexuality and inequalities [UR04]

This unit studies gender relations in various areas (sexuality, couple relationships, family, health), paying particular attention to certain experiences (violence, migration) and changes over time. Sexuality, understood as a set of desires, practices, and identities, is a particularly useful prism through which to study the historical transformations of gender relations. In this connection, gender is neither a variable nor an invariant, and cannot easily be reduced to a binary principle in terms of which to divide the world: there are internal variations within groups of women and men in their intersections with other social relations (intersectionality), as well as differences within femininity and masculinity. Moreover, gender relations vary from one context to another, and they change over the life course. The unit conducts research on these topics using historical sources, questionnaire-based surveys and interview studies, often using a mixed-methods approach. It pays attention to the variety of practices and populations, including minority groups and emerging behaviours.

Assistant : Lucet Foutou +33 (0)1 56 06 22 18