Daniel Courgeau

Director of research Emeritus
daniel.courgeau@wanadoo.fr 33(0) 1 93 90 01 62 Researcher website
Secretariat : Marie-Danielle Bailly +33(0)1 56 06 20 47

Research field(s)

Director of research emeritus at Ined

Methodology and Epistemology in Social

Reflections on the different forms of
causality, on the methods used for approaching
them, on the different paradigms proposed, on
the different aggregate levels at which the
phenomenon can be compared and on the
epistemological bases of demography.


To estimate an age structure with biological
indicators, but without measuring it, there are
numerous methods under doubtful hypotheses.We
examine critically these methods and propound a
fully bayesian approach which permits to avoid
the major part of these criticims.

Some publications

Personal website in English and in French where you can have a general view of my work and read a great number of publications

'Courgeau,Daniel, Multilevel synthesis. From the group to the individual, Springer, The Springer series on demographic methods and population analysis, 2007, 226 p.

'Courgeau Daniel, (ed), HREF="http://www.springer.com/philosophy/metaph ysics +%26+epistemology/book/978-1-4020-1475-8" target=blank> Methodology and epistemology of multilevel analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, XII + 238 p.

Courgeau Daniel, Lelièvre Eva, Changing paradigm in demography, Population. An English Selection, 1997, 9, pp. 1-10).

'Courgeau Daniel, Lelièvre Eva, Event history analysis in demography, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992, 226 p.

Courgeau Daniel, (ed.), New methodological approaches in the social sciences, Population. An English Selection 1998, 10(1), pp. 1-282).

Courgeau Daniel, New approaches and methological innovations in the study of parnership and fertility behavior, in Dynamics of fertility and partnership in Europe, Macura and Beets eds, United Nations, 2002.

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

Editor with the philosopher Robert Franck of the
METHODOS SERIES, published by