
Population aged 15 or over by sex, age and cohabitation situation
  2006 2020
  In a cohabiting union Not in a cohabiting union In a cohabiting union Not in a cohabiting union
  Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females
15 - 19 25 629 67 755 2 009 538 1 877 949 26 029 48 121 2 029 791 1 896 981
20 - 24 355 523 636 266 1 605 738 1 310 024 311 467 494 324 1 552 957 1 312 686
25 - 39 4 000 006 4 427 298 2 107 622 1 754 286 3 620 444 4 155 417 2 180 322 1 838 140
40 - 54 4 806 700 4 780 015 1 480 905 1 744 780 4 551 438 4 502 153 1 746 675 1 955 678
55 - 64 2 722 686 2 503 428 675 987 1 049 245 2 902 056 2 834 176 1 066 513 1 436 693
65 - 79 2 542 102 2 200 217 667 289 1 883 463 3 297 579 2 939 848 977 025 2 044 557
80 and over 632 377 397 228 331 826 1 553 855 951 935 657 284 488 512 1 927 371
Total 15 085 023 15 012 207 8 878 905 11 173 602 15 660 948 15 631 323 10 041 795 12 412 106

Metropolitan France
Definition Insee of the couple (in the meaning of living in a couple, census survey) : A person is living in a couple if, at 14 or more, he or she answers yes to the question " Are you living in a union ? ". Introduced in the census individual form since 2004, this question imposes no condition on legal marital status or on the partner (he or she may live or not in the same dwelling, be or not of opposite sex).
Source: INSEE, exploitation of 2006 and 2020 census data

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Update: august 2023