Préférence pour les fils, religion et mortalité des enfants en Inde

the Monday 13 December 2010 at l'Ined, salle Sauvy

Discutant: Jacques Véron (INED)

Résumé (en anglais, mais la présentation sera en français) :

In India, Muslim children exhibit lower mortality than Hindu children, in spite of the fact that, on average, their mothers are poorer and less educated characteristics typically associated with higher child mortality. Using data from the National Family and Health Survey (NFHS-1, -2 and -3), we seek explanations for this paradox. We test the hypothesis that this paradox may be explained by lower son preference among Muslims. Indeed, lower son preference could produce a more typical pattern of sex differentials in mortality mong Muslims and generate lower child mortality among them at the national level compensating for their lower socio-economic status. However, we find no evidence for this hypothesis in the NFHS data. We find that Muslims are subject to a number of advantages, in addition to the better known disadvantages, which appear to contribute to their lower child mortality. However, part of the Muslim mortality advantage remains unexplained.