New Reproductive Techniques, Gender and Parenting

From 14 to 15 November 2011 at Lyon

Avec le soutien de la fédération de recherche RING, du séminaire interdisciplinaire sur le genre de l'ISH de Lyon et du centre Louise Labé.

In recent years, major technical advances have led to the development of new reproductive techniques (NRT) which pose a potential challenge to the social order of reproduction in terms of both gender order and the prevailing parenting model. Yet technical advances are also the product of the gender order and of the parenting model. They are far from gender-neutral. At the same time, they are as much a response to new demands for parenthood as an instigator of such demands. The aim of this conference is to examine the interaction between reproductive techniques, gender dynamics and parenting models. The question will be addressed from sociological, demographic and anthropological viewpoints, but ethical and legal aspects will not be covered.
The conference is organized around the following topics:


  • The sociological and demographic challenges posed by new reproductive techniques in the trans-national arena
  • New reproductive techniques and gender dynamics
  • New reproductive techniques and parenthood
  • New reproductive techniques and LGBT parenting