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Apports et limites de l’Échantillon Démographique Permanent à l’analyse des trajectoires résidentielles et des inégalités spatiales (1968-2014)

Collection : Documents de travail

261, 2021, 53 pages

As shown in previous work on the Ile-de-France region, life-event history surveys are a particularly rich source for studying residential trajectories and the associated spatial inequalities. Nevertheless, this type of source remaining rare in France, we aim to evaluate whether the Echantillon Démographique Permanent (EDP) can be an alternative. Reconstructing residential and socio-professional trajectories from EDP, we study to what extent the analyses carried out from the life-event history surveys are reproducible. Indeed, the EDP does not allow to reconstruct complete trajectories, but offers new perspectives due to the sample size, its representativeness in relation to all generations, its geographical coverage and its annual update. This research then proposes to evaluate more broadly the possibilities offered by the EDP to  continue the analysis by integrating different generations followed until 2014.
We thus propose a procedure, which can be reproduced in other cities, adapted to the EDP data to extend the analysis of the geographical and residential trajectories of Ile-de-France residents. Three points are developed in this work: the comparison of the results obtained from the 
Biographies et Entourage survey and from the EDP; the possible extension of the analyses over a recent period; the comparison of cohorts. 

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