Léa Cimelli

Post-doctoral researcher (GINCO project)
lea.cimelli[at]ined.fr Researcher website
Secretariat :     +33(0)1 56 06 20 16

Research field(s)

Topics of interest:
- Family economics
- Public policy
- Gendered inequalities
- Health and aging
- Retirement

Research teams

Economic Demography

A word by

Lea Cimelli explains the gendered economic consequences of dissolving a union after the age of 50

Read the interview

Some publications

"Are the widowed too much insured? Survivor's pensions and living standards upon widowhood in France" (INED Working Paper)

"The Gendered Economic Consequences of Grey Divorce in France", with Carole Bonnet and Anne Solaz (INED Working Paper)

"Late divorce and delayed retirement: changes in the labor supply upon grey divorce"

"Do family-work friendly policies foster better mental health?", with Constance Beaufils, Emilie Courtin and Emmanuelle Cambois

"Economic consequences of late-life divorce, A comparison between France and Sweden", with Carole Bonnet, Ann-Zofie Duvander, Linda Kridahl, Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk and Anne Solaz

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

- 2020-2022 : micro-economics (tutorials), second
year of bachelor in economics, Paris 1 Panthéon
Sorbonne University.
- 2021-2022 : introduction to the french social systeme (tutorials), first
year of bachelor in economics, Paris 1 Panthéon
Sorbonne University.