Guillaume Le Roux

Secretariat : Safietou Diallo +33 (0)1 56 06 20 67

Research field(s)

* Human geography, demography
* Metropolisation, spatial inequalities, life course, spatial mobility, urban dynamics
* Methodology: mixed methods, live-event history analysis, sequence analysis, survey methods

Some publications

Guillaume Le Roux, Matthias Studer, Arnaud Bringé et al., 2023, Selecting qualitative cases using sequence analysis: A mixed-method for in-depth understanding of life course trajectories, Advances in Life Course Research 56: 100530.

Guillaume Le Roux, Anne Lambert, Catherine Bonvalet et al., 2023, Partir : mobilités résidentielles et conditions de logement en France pendant l’épidémie de Covid-19, Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.

Guillaume Le Roux, Christophe Imbert, Arnaud Bringé et al., 2020, Social transformation of the Paris agglomeration in the 20th century: A longitudinal and cohort approach to inequalities of access to the city, Population (English Edition) 75: 69-96.

Julie Vallée, Martine Shareck, Guillaume Le Roux et al., 2020, Is accessibility in the eye of the beholder? Social inequalities in spatial accessibility to health-related resources in Montréal, Canada, Social Science and Medicine 245: 112702.

Guillaume Le Roux, 2019, Residential Mobility. Dans : Anthony M. Orum (Éd.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, Wiley, p. 1-7.

Guillaume Le Roux, Julie Vallée et Hadrien Commenges, 2017, Social segregation around the clock in the Paris region (France), Journal of Transport Geography 59: 134-145.

Julie Vallée, Guillaume Le Roux, Basile Chaix et al., 2015, The ‘Constant Size Neighbourhood Trap’ in Accessibility and Health Studies, Urban Studies 52: 338-357.