Fertility, Childlessness, Infertility, Abortion
Gender-based Violence
New Family structures
Gender and violence, inequalities, social relations
Barrier to effective sexual and reproductive health and rights and reproductive rights for all
The making of sexual and reproductive health and rights research: methodological and ethical issues
Struggles and resistance in sexual and reproductive health and rights and reproductive rights
Conjugal relationships and trajectories
Didier Breton, Magali Barbieri, Nicolas Belliot, Hippolyte D'Albis, Magali Mazuy, 2019, "Recent demographic trends in France: A European outlier?", Population-E, 69(3), 381-464.
Elizabeth Brown, Alice Debauche, Magali Mazuy,2019, « L’enquête VIRAGE (VIolences et RApports de GEnre) », entretien réalisé par Pauline Delage et Marylène Lieber, Cahiers du Genre, 2019/1 (n° 66), p. 37-5 https://www.cairn.info/revue-cahiers-du-genre-2019-1-page-37.htm
Elizabeth Brown, Amandine Lebugle, Magali Mazuy, 2019, "Les violences conjugales en France : état des lieux, enjeux, points de vigilance", dans JAFFRE Jean-Marc – Violences intrafamiliales : entre volonté et réalité – Revue de la Gendarmerie Nationale, n°265, Juin 2019 pp.11-17. https://www.gendarmerie.interieur.gouv.fr/crgn/publications/revue-de-la-gendarmerie-nationale/revue-n-265
Köppen K., Mazuy M., Toulemon L. 2017. Childlessness in France in Michaela Kreyenfeld Dirk Konietzka editors, Childlessness in Europe : contexts, causes and consequences, Cham, Springer, p. 77-95, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-44667-7_4
Hamel C., Debauche A., Brown E., Lebugle A., Lejbowicz T., Mazuy M., Charruault A., Cromer S., Dupuis ., 2016. Rape and sexual assaults in France:first VIRAGE results, Population & Societies (538), 4 p.
Mazuy M., Toulemon L., Baril E., 2014, «A Steady Number of Induced Abortions, but Fewer Women Concerned », Population-E, 69(3), 323-356.
Debest C., Mazuy M., 2014, "Childlessness: a life choice that goes against the norm", Population and SocietiesE, 508, 4 p.
Teacher, University of Lyon 2 and Lyon 3
Researcher for the Max Weber Research Center
Co-coordinator of "VIRAGE" Survey carried out in 2015, which is a national quantitative survey on Gender-based Violence
Scientific Comity Organizer for the International Conference : New Reproductive Techniques, gender and parenting (november 2011)
Researcher for the National Survey : "Famille et logements" ("Family and Housing") survey, carried out in 2011