Heini Väisänen

heini.vaisanen@ined.fr +33 (0) 156062127 Researcher website
Secretariat : Marie-Laure Trudel 33(0) 1 56 06 22 82

Research field(s)

Population and reproductive health in low, middle and high-income countries. The effect of life course reproductive events on later health and wellbeing. Application of advanced statistical methods, including event-history, structural equation, longitudinal, and multilevel-multi-process models to register and survey data.

ERC Starting Grant: Social Inequalities in the Risk and Aftermath of Miscarriage (SOC-MISC).

Some publications

Leone, Tiziana, Heini Väisänen and Firman Witoelar (2024). Women’s fertility and allostatic load in the post-reproductive years: An analysis of the Indonesian Family Life Survey. Population Studies, 78(1), 127-149.

Väisänen, Heini, Hanna Remes and Pekka Martikainen (2022). Perinatal health among migrant women: A longitudinal register study in Finland 2000-17. Social Science and Medicine – Population Health, 20, 101298.

Väisänen, Heini, and Ewa Batyra (2022). Unintended pregnancy resolution among parous women in twelve low- and middle-income countries. Journal of Biosocial Science, 54(4), 698-724.

Väisänen, H., A.M. Moore, O. Owolabi, M. Stillman, A. Fatusi and A. Akinyemi (2021). Sexual and reproductive health literacy, misoprostol knowledge and use of medication abortion in Lagos State, Nigeria: A mixed methods study. Studies in Family Planning, 52(2): 217-237.

Grundy, Emily, Sanna Read and Heini Väisänen (2020). Fertility trajectories and later-life depression among parents in England. Population Studies, 74(2): 219-240.

Väisänen, Heini, Päivikki Koponen, Mika Gissler and Osmo Kontula (2018). Contraceptive use among migrant women with a history of induced abortion in Finland. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 23(4): 274-281.

Väisänen, Heini (2017). The timing of abortions, births, and union dissolutions in Finland. Demographic Research, 37(28): 889-916.

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

Associated researcher, Centre for Population Change (CPC), University of Southampton, United Kingdom.

Associate Editor, Demographic Research.