INED Publications’ eBooks

Since 2017, INED Publications has been working to expand its offerings in terms of format. New releases are now published both traditionally on paper and in digital editions via ePub or enriched PDF format eBooks.

In the future we will be choosing which format is best adapted to the given type of publication. For example, some content is best suited to digital treatment only.

INED Publications adopted a multi-format strategy in late 2016. The publications team (editors, graphic artists, and layout) were trained in the MÉTOPES structured book production process (Methods and tools for structured publishing), developed by a team of digital specialists at the University of Caen.

MÉTOPES’ XML-TEI (eXtensible Markup Language-Text Encoding Initiative) meets a specific need of humanities and social science publishing, which is to produce content compatible with digital channels such as ePubs, diffusion on Cairn and OpenEdition platforms, html conversion, etc.

The XML-TEI files generated for individual publications—also known as pivot files—are permanent, meaning they will be convertible and reusable regardless of future modes of production, diffusion, and archiving.

eBook publication has impacted our work methods and the jobs of everyone involved in the process—copy editing, production, layout—because it demands both extreme care in content production and greater consistency between the actions of researchers and publisher.

It was key for INED and INED Publications to adapt actively to digital developments in knowledge diffusion, which represent remarkable progress in relaying and promoting scientific publications.

These INED Publications books, also in paper, are available in the new ePub and enriched PDF formats

Update: March 2020