The world population
Life expectancy : Congo 63.5 Years
Total population : France 64,881,800


A little-known history of deportation under Stalin

This book explores a relatively unknown component of Soviet history through the accounts of citizens, many originally from Ukraine, forced into exile and hard labor far from their homelands. By way of archive material, witness interviews, and letters, we learn about the trajectories of entire families, who recount what their lives were like in exile, narratives of repression and survival.

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INED is relaunching 2 major surveys

INED studies family relations and work-life relations and balances in France. The country’s National Statistical Information Council (CNIS) has awarded public-interest status to two of these INED surveys: FamEmp (Families and Employers) and ERFI 2 ( Family and Intergenerational Relations Study). ERFI 2 is part of the international Generations and Gender Programme research infrastructure.

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Quiz-Can you rank countries?

What is the population of Brazil ? What could the population of Nigeria be in 2050 ? By how much does the population in Uruguay grow each year ?


F. Héran MIM day