All countries

WORLD - Estimations 2024

CountriesNumber of residentsTotal population (thousands)Number of births per 1,000 populationBirth rateNumber of deaths per year per 1,000 populationMortality rateAverage length of life in yearsLife expectancyInfant mortality rate	number of deaths of children aged under 1 per 1,000 birthsInfant mortality rateNumber of child per womanNumber of children per womanAnnual increase, or decrease in number of residents, per 1,000 population (sum of migratory growth and natural increase)Growth rateNumber of persons aged 65 years or more in the populationPopulation aged 65 and more (thousands)
LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN669,97314.26.676.111.71.837.465,343
NORTHERN AMERICA381,04810.98.680.24.71.645.669,624

Source : Estimates for the current year based on data from the World Population Prospects. United Nations. 2022
World Population Prospects publishes United Nations population estimates for all world countries and every year from 1950 to 2021, as well as projections for different scenarios (low, middle and high variants) from 2022 to 2100. The figures presented here correspond to middle variant projections for the given year.