François Clanché has been appointed Director of the Institut National d’Études Démographiques

Press release Published on 19 December 2023

By Presidential decree of December 18, 2023, effective January 1, 2024, François Clanché has been appointed Director of the Institut National d’Études Démographiques or INED, the French Institute for Demographic Studies. 

François Clanché, age 57, is a statistician and inspector-general of the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies or INSEE. He is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (now ENS Paris-Saclay) and the École Nationale de Statistique et de l’Administration Économique or ENSAE, and holds degrees in economics and sociology as well as the agrégation national teaching qualification in social sciences. 

At INSEE, Mr Clanché held the post of regional director for the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region and headed the demography department for a period of 5 years. He has also exercised responsibilities in the statistics sections of the Ministries of Housing, the Interior, and Health. 

At the national Department for Research, Studies, Evaluation, and Statistics or DREES, where he began working in 2022, François Clanché was heading a project to renovate the production process of causes-of-death statistics. 

Demographic and social topics and issues—including inadequate housing, families, population distribution across France, insecurity, and causes of mortality—have been the focus of his personal research. 

François Clanché succeeds Magda Tomasini, who headed the Institute from 2015 to July 2023, when she was appointed head of the national Department of Evaluation, Foresight, and Performance (DEPP). Aline Désesquelles, Delegate Director of Research at INED, served as interim INED director through the remainder of 2023.