Differences in COVID-19 Mortality: the implications of imperfect and diverse data collection systems
Présenté par : Jenny Garcia, Catalina Torres, Magali Barbieri, Emmanuelle Cambois, Carlo Giovanni Camarda, Arianna Caporali, France Meslé, Svitlana Poniakina, Jean-Marie Robine ; Discutant : Patrick Deboosere (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Daily counts of COVID-19 deaths have quickly become a key indicator to monitor the current unprecedented health crisis. The total number of deaths attributable to COVID-19 appeared to be one reliable indicator to carry out international comparisons international comparisons, provided statistical information is harmonized and standardized. The urgency of the situation has led to substantial variations in the data collection process across countries that have been scrambling to produce information in real time, leading to the collection of imperfect mortality statistics. In this context, we analyze COVID-19 death counts from the “Demography of COVID-19 deaths” database (https://dc-covid.site.ined.fr/en/) and discuss their limitations. We describe and illustrate various data-related issues that may create difficulties for international comparisons. Based on various data characteristics, we propose a completeness-related classification of data sources and analyze and compare COVID-19 death counts for 16 countries using the proposed classification. Finally, we discuss the importance of understanding the characteristics of data collection and formulate some recommendations to deal with imperfect statistics.
Jenny Garcia, Catalina Torres, Magali Barbieri, Emmanuelle Cambois, Carlo Giovanni Camarda, Arianna Caporali, France Meslé, Svitlana Poniakina, Jean-Marie Robine
Jenny Garcia : https://archined.ined.fr/list?s=AWLsuR9uhoy6Y59VX3uf
Catalina Torres : https://www.ined.fr/fr/recherche/chercheurs/Torres++Catalina
Magali Barbieri : https://archined.ined.fr/list?s=AWLsuKe1hoy6Y59VX3tD
Emmanuelle Cambois : https://archined.ined.fr/list?s=AWLsuNWqhoy6Y59VX3tl
Carlo Giovanni Camarda : https://www.ined.fr/fr/recherche/chercheurs/Camarda+Carlo-Giovanni
Arianna Caporali : https://archined.ined.fr/list?s=AWLsuNbghoy6Y59VX3tm
France Meslé : https://archined.ined.fr/list?s=AWLsuX72hoy6Y59VX3vq
Svitlana Poniakina : https://archined.ined.fr/list?s=AWLsuZ7whoy6Y59VX3wD
Jean-Marie Robine : https://www.cermes3.cnrs.fr/fr/membres/154-robine-jean-marie