Juliette Galonnier

PhD, Sociology, Sciences Po and Northwestern University
juliette.galonnier@ined.fr Researcher website
Secretariat : Christine Gonzalez +33 (0)1 56 06 20 17

Research field(s)

Religion, race, ethnicity, racial categorization,
discrimination, Islam, conversion, international
comparison, qualitative methods, ethnography,
secularism, France, United States

Some publications

“The Racialization of Muslims in France and the United States: Some Insights from White Converts to Islam,” Social Compass, 2015, vol. 62, n°4, p. 570-583

(avec Diego de los Rios), “Teaching and Learning to be Religious: Pedagogies of Conversion to Islam and Christianity,” Sociology of Religion, 2016, vol. 77, n°1, p. 59-81

“Moving In or Moving Towards: Reconceptualizing Conversion to Islam as a Liminal Process,” in VAN NIEUWKERK, Karin (dir.), Moving in and out of Islam, Austin: University of Texas Press, à paraître

“Conversion to Islam as religious and racial crossing,” Forum “Crossing and Conversion,” The Immanent Frame, The Social Science Research Council, 5 juin 2018, https://tif.ssrc.org/category/exchanges/crossing- and-conversion/

“The Enclave, the Citadel and the Ghetto: The Three-fold Segregation of Upper-Class Muslims in India,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2015, vol. 39, n°1, p. 92-111

“Review of Anabel Inge, The Making of a Salafi Muslim Woman: Paths to Conversion,” Sociology of Islam, 2017, vol. 5, n°4, p. 363-367

Choosing Faith and Facing Race: Converting to Islam in France and the United States, 2017, PhD, Sociology, Sciences Po and Northwestern University (Paris and Evanston)

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

- Member of the Global Race project:

- Awardee of the 2018 Best Dissertation Award
of the American Sociological Association

- Co-coordinator of the project "Muslims of
Sub-Saharan and Comorian descent in France"
(with Pr. Mahamet Timéra)

- Member of Tracés' editorial board

- Member of the research network "Agenda for a
critical sociology of religion" (ACSREL, PSL)

- Member of the interdisciplinary thematic
network “Les chercheurs sur l’islam dans la

- Member of the Religion-Secularism-Race