The use of racial categories in french overseas territories

the Tuesday 15 May 2018 at l'Ined, salle Alfred Sauvy, de 14h à 17h
  • Silyane Larcher (URMIS, CNRS), "Citizenship and race making during the post-slavery period in the ’old colonies’ (1848-1890)"
  • Fanny Malègue (EHESS, INED), "’Qu’on ne s’étonne plus de voir répéter si souvent un dénombrement des esclaves et des animaux’ : census taking in a colonial slavery empire, the West Indies, 1763-1804"
  • Benoît Trépied (IRIS, CNRS), "Ethnic statistics in New Caledonia: debates around a Republican exception"

Links for more info