Jenny Garcia

Member of the operational team and Editorial board of the "The Demography of COVID-19 Death" database.
Secretariat : Evgeniya Samoshnikova +33 (0)1 56 06 20 24

Research field(s)

Causes of death, Mortality and Urbanization,
Imperfect statistics, Latin America

More information about his·her Research

Longevity, ageing and autonomy

Some publications

García, J.; Correa, G.; Rousset, B. “Infant mortality in Venezuelan humanitarian crisis: A systematic analysis on demographic data”. The Lancet Global Health, Vol. 7(3), March 2019, Pages e331-e336.

García, J.; Aburto, J.M. “The impact of violence in Venezuela life expectancy and Lifespan inequality”. International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 48(5), October 2019, Pages 1593–1601,

García, J. “Beyond urban-rural differentials in Latin American infant mortality”. Demographic Research, Vol 42(8), February 2020, Pages e203-e244, DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.42.8.

García, J.; Sandoval, M. “Las causas externas de muerte y su efecto sobre la esperanza de vida de las ciudades latinoamericanas, el ejemplo de Chile y Ecuador 2000-2010”. Notas de Poblacion N° 109, Enero 2020, Pages 71-96. LC/PUB.2019/29-P. 45080/1/S1900612_Garcia.pdf

Rousset, B.; García, J. (2020). "Le pull and push de la migration vénézuélien”. Dans : Olga Stella Garzon (Dir.), Mathilde Sallerin (Dir.) et Enrique Uribe Carreño (Dir.), Venezuela : La révolution bolivarienne, 20 ans après, Strasbourg : L'Harmattan, p. 299-310., ISBN 978-2-343-19030-3.

García, J.; Castro, A.; Torres, C. “El registro de la mortalidad asociada al COVID-19: ¿Quiénes están incluidos en las estadísticas de defunciones?” Boletin Población y Políticas publicas, apuntes para el debate. UNFPA Uruguay. Forthcoming

Rousset, B.; García, J. “¿Cuántos dejamos atrás? Del registro civil a las estadísticas vitales en Venezuela”. Publicaciones del CEDUA-COLMEX. Forthcoming

Teaching activities, other functions, titles


Camarda, G.; García, J. “Estimating Mortality in
Small Areas: revising the TOPALS model”
Presentation at the VIII Latin-American Population
Studies Association (ALAP), Puebla, Mexico,
October 2018.

García, J. “Urban bias in Latin American life
expectancy” Presented at the session: Mortality
Spatial analysis at the European Population
Conference (EPC), Brussels, Belgium, June 2018.

García, J. Meslé, F.; Vallin, J. “Is Latin America
missing the cardiovascular revolution?”
Presentation at XXVIII International Union for the
Scientific Study of Population Conference
(IUSSP), Cape Town , South Africa, October 2017.

Meslé, F.; Vallin, J.; García, J. “Life expectancy in
Latin America: the end of convergence?”
Presentation at the VII Latin-American Population
Studies Association (ALAP), Foz de Iguaçu, Brazil,
October, 2016.

García, J.: “Métodos de distribución de las muertes
en la estimación de la mortalidad adulta: un
ejercicio comparativo de las divisiones
administrativas mayores (DAM) de Venezuela, 2001-
Presented at the VII Latin-American Population
Studies Association (ALAP) meeting, Foz de Iguaçu,
Brazil, October, 2016.

García, J. “Effect of external causes of death in
life expectancy and population structure in
Latin America, 1970‐2010”. Presentation at the annual
conference of the British Society of
Population Studies (BSPS), Winchester, England,
September 2016.

Delgado, M.; García J. “Perfil de los migrantes
internos en Venezuela, 2001 y 2011: Principales
trayectorias según tamaño de las ciudades”.
Presentation at the XIII meeting of the Mexican
Society of Demography (SOMEDE), July 2016.

Allen, A.; García J.“Perfil laboral y educativo de
los migrantes internos en Venezuela según
tamaño de las ciudades, 2001”. Presentation in IV
Meeting of Venezuelan demographers and
population scholars (AVEPO), Caracas, December 2013.

García, J.; Tovar, L.; Santos, C. “Posiciones Geo-
sociales: Estratos sociales y ámbitos urbano-
regionales, 1985-2005”.” In: IV National meeting of
Venezuelan demographers and population scholars,
Ciudad Guayana, 2009.

García, J. “Urban bias in causes of death pattern in
Latin America”. Presentation at the 49th Chaire
de Quetelet, Université Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

García, J.; Correa, G.; Rousset, B. “Infant Mortality
in Venezuela: A humanitarian crisis
under way” Presentation at XXIV Population
Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting,
Austin, USA, April 2019.

García, J.; Rousset, B. “La accesibilidad a los datos
demográficos en Iberoamérica”. Presentation at
the VIII Latin-American Population Studies
Association (ALAP), Puebla, Mexico, October 2018.

Correa, G.; García, J. “Urban-rural convergence in
Latin American infant and under five-year-
old mortality, 1980-2010”. Presentation at the29th
International Network on Health Expectancy and
the Disability Process Conference (REVES), Santiago
de Chile, May 2017.

García, J.: “Effect of external causes of death in
life expectancy and population structure in Latin
America, 1970‐2010”. Presentation at the annual
conference of the British Society of Population
Studies (BSPS), Winchester, England, September 2016.