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Les bains-douches de Paris : une enquête sur les lieux et leurs usages

Collection : Documents de travail

252, 2019, 94 pages

Sixteen municipal Bathhouses currently open in Paris provide for free good quality service to people deprived of the opportunity to wash themselves in good conditions. Because the precise characteristics of the population and the way in which solidarity is present on a day-to-day basis in these establishments had so far not been really studied, we have implemented a questionnaire survey self-administered, in seven languages, to users of bath-showers. The data gathered allow us to establish a general picture of the population: age, sex, place of birth, employment situation, family situation, condition of habitation. We show that if the poorest, and very predominantly men (91%), a significant part of the users frequent the Public baths is housed or accommodated (48%). The survey also informs about the uses of baths-showers, the forms of sociability and regulation that are observable there. It appears that establishments are not only places of hygiene but also fulfil other functions. Users can receive information, help, and simply find a welcome. In conclusion, the document proposes avenues for deepening and proposals so that this Parisian public service preserves its originality while responding in a more relevant way to new social, urban and political issues.

Claire Lévy-Vroelant

Lucie Bony

En collaboration avec Sophie Fesdjian

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