Marie Bergström

Secretariat : Lucet Foutou +33 (0)1 56 06 22 18

Research field(s)

Research interest:
Couple formation
Gender and sexuality
Online dating
Internet use

A word by

Marie Bergström tells us about the notion of the couple in society and the LAT phenomenon.

Read the interview

Some publications

Bergström & Brée, 2023, « Not a Single Meaning: Definition and Evolution of Singlehood in France and the United States », Family Theory & Review. URL :

Bergström, 2023, Kärlekens nya lagar. Hur nätdejting förändrar våra intima relationer, Stockholm, Fri Tanke, 200 p. URL :

Bergström & Moulin, 2022, « Couple Formation is Prolonged not Postponed. New Paths to Union Formation in Contemporary France », European Journal of Population, vol. 38, n° 5, p. 975-1008. URL :

Bergström, 2022, The New Laws of Love. Online Dating and the Privatization of Intimacy, London, Polity, 200 p. URL :

Bergström, Courtel & Vivier, 2019, « Uncoupled. Experiences of Singlehood in Contemporary France », Population (english edition), vol. 74, n° 1, p. 101-126. URL :

Bergström & Pasquier, 2019, « Doing Gender Online. Ordinary Practice Beyond Utopian Ideals », RESET. Social Science Research on the Internet, n° 8. URL :

Bergström, 2018, « What’s behind the age gap between spouses? Big data and the study of age difference within couples », Revue française de sociologie, vol. 59, n° 3, p. 395-422. URL :