Blanche Plaquevent

Post-doctoral research INED
Secretariat : Marie-Laure Trudel 33(0) 1 56 06 22 82

Research field(s)

History of sexuality, gender history, history of social movements, postwar and Cold War history.

Personal project conducted at the INED in 2023-2024: Using the history of sexuality as a tool for sex education

Working on publications based on a PhD thesis defended in 2021 at the University of Bristol and titled Inventing the French Sexual Revolution, 1945-1970

Some publications

Peer-reviewed article: ‘Penser la révolution sexuelle dans les années 1960 : Intellectuel.le.s et étudiant.e.s français.e.s en quête de subversion’, Ethnologie française, 49.2 (2019), 277-92.

Chapter in collective book: ‘68 and Sexuality: Disentangling the Double Binds’, in Double Binds of Neoliberalism: Theory and Culture After 1968, (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2022).

Book review: ‘Le temps long de la révolution sexuelle’, La Vie des Idées,2023 [] (review of Cornelia Möser, Libérations Sexuelles, Une histoire des pensées féministes et queers de la sexualité, Paris, La Découverte 2022).

Book review: « Sylvie Chaperon, Carla Nagels & Cécile Vanderpelen-Diagre (dir.), « Le Rideau déchiré », Sextant, 37, 2020 », Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 57.1 (2023), pp. 318-321.

Book review: ‘Kelly Ricciardi Colvin, Gender and French Identity after the Second World War, 1944-1954’, Journal of Modern and Contemporary France, 27.1 (2019).

Book review: ‘Christelle Dormoy-Rajramanan, Boris Gobille, Erik Neveu (ed.), Mai 68 par celles et ceux qui l’ont vécu’, Ethnologie française, 49.2 (2019), 404-06.

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

2021-2023: Lectureship in gender history and history of sexuality, University of Glasgow (teaching history undergraduates and Gender History MA students)
April-Sept 2023: Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Bristol