The world population
Population of 65 and over : India 105,456,000
Population growth rate : France 1.9 / 1,000 people

Quel âge avez-vous vraiment ?

Donnée quantitative, l’âge civil, c’est-à-dire calculé à partir de la date de naissance enregistrée à l’état civil, est à la base de la démographie depuis que les premiers démographes ont établi, il y a plus de trois siècles, le lien entre mortalité et âge.

En savoir plus


INED is relaunching 2 major surveys

INED studies family relations and work-life relations and balances in France. The country’s National Statistical Information Council (CNIS) has awarded public-interest status to two of these INED surveys: FamEmp (Families and Employers) and ERFI 2 ( Family and Intergenerational Relations Study). ERFI 2 is part of the international Generations and Gender Programme research infrastructure.

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The mobiliscope - cities around the clock

A geovisualization tool for exploring varioations in present population and social mix within cities over a 24 hours period
