Laurent Toulemon

Senior Researcher +33 (0)1 56 06 21 16 +33(0) 1 56 06 21 92
Secretariat : Imène Abdou 33(0) 1 56 06 20 12

Research field(s)

1) study of fertility and its determinants in France and Europe :
- fertility control methods (contraception and abortion)
- fertility intentions
- couple statutes
- fertility indices

2) study of family structures in France
- population measurement: double counting and omissions in censuses, and associated family situations
- spread of unmarried couples
- changes in family structures over the past fifty years

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Some publications

TOULEMON Laurent (ed.), 2024, Politiques familiales et fécondité, Informations Sociales 211, 122 pages. Accès Internet.

GREULICH Angela, TOULEMON Laurent, 2023, Measuring the educational gradient of period fertility in 28 European countries: A new approach based on parity-specific fertility estimates, Demographic Research, 49, 34, p. 905-968. Accès Internet.

BEAUJOUAN Éva, TOULEMON Laurent, 2021, “European countries with delayed childbearing are not those with lower fertility”, Genus, 77, 2. Accès Internet.

TOULEMON Laurent, MARTEAU Benjamin, DURIER Sébastien, 2020, « Estimation des doubles comptes statistiques au recensement à partir de l’Échantillon démographique permanent », La qualité des estimations de population dans le recensement, Insee Méthodes n° 136 - octobre 2020, p. 53-65, Accès Internet.

RUCKDESCHEL Kerstin, SALLES Anne, DIABATÉ Sabine, TOULEMON Laurent, RÉGNIER-LOILIER Arnaud, 2018, Unequal Neighbours? A French-German Comparison of Family Size Intentions, Comparative Population Studies, vol. 43, p. 187-210. Accès Internet.

TOULEMON Laurent, 2017, « Undercount of young children and young adults in the new French census », Statistical Journal of the IAOS, vol 33, p. 311–316. Accès Internet.

FREJKA Tomas, SOBOTKA Tomà, HOEM Jan M., TOULEMON Laurent, 2008. Childbearing Trends and Policies in Europe. Special Collection 7, Demographic Research, Vol 19, 1-29, p. 1-1178. Accès Internet.

Teaching activities, other functions, titles

- Member of the Steering Committee of the European Generations and Gender Programme
- Elected member of INED Administrative Council and Scientific Council