Birth, Fertility Contraception

Below you can access all the contents of the INED site on this topic, in all formats and from the least to the most specialised: multimedia content, publications, research projects, research mini-sites, selected links and others.

  • Memo Doris Bonnet, Fabrice Cahen and Virginie Rozée

    Doris Bonnet, Fabrice Cahen and Virginie Rozée

    A quels imaginaires collectifs le titre de cet ouvrage fait-il référence ? Quelles représentations de la reproduction artificielle la littérature, le cinéma ou la fiction télévisuelle véhiculent-ils ? Quelle place ces imaginaires collectifs occupent-ils dans les sociétés contemporaines ? Les directeurs de l’ouvrage ont répondu à nos questions.

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  • Memo

    Carole Bonnet

    presents INED’s economic demography research unit

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  • Graph and card

    World population by fertility (1950-2004)

    For each period, the graph plots the distribution of countries by their level of fertility. The countries are ranked by the mean number of children per woman. For each level of fertility, the curve shows the proportion of the world population living in a country where fertility is below that level.

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  • Video Adolescent sexuality and contraception [FR]

    Adolescent sexuality and contraception [FR]

    Short conference by Nathalie Bajos 2014 Duration: 13’40"

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  • Figures

    Births by parents’ place of birth

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  • Figures

    Detailed abortion statistics

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